Abstract Collection
I have always been fascinated with the physical qualities of paint—how it can be applied, mixed, and dried. Lost in the fluidity of the experience, I find a connection with the forces of the universe through the medium. The result is often abstract, fluid works that represent the process itself.
Release - 22X30 - Acrylic on Paper - 2004
Watching the World Melt - 30X40 -Acrylic on Canvas - 2006
Fields 4 - 22X30 - Acrylic on Paper - 2012
Flickering of Light - 26X40 - Acrylic on Paper - 2007
Writing on the Wall - 12X8 - Acrylic on Panel - 2006
Contained - 40X30 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2005
Fields 2 - 3X3 - Acrylic on Plastic - 2005
Fields 3 - 3X4 - Acrylic on Plastic - 2005
Fields 1 - 20X24 - Acrylic on Acetate - 2005
Supernova - 8x10 - Acrylic on Paper - 2002
Busy Day - 58X50 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2004
Fire Within - 48X50 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2005
Faces - 24X30 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2003
Decay - 22X30 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2007
Layers - 16X24 - Acrylic on Panel - 2007
Fields 6 - 14X18 - Acrylic on Canvas - 2017
Emperor - 3X6 - Acrylic on Paper - 2001
Before Birth - 22X30 - Acrylic on Paper - 2004